District Mission Statement:

The Mission of the West Bridgewater Public Schools is to work together with home and community to provide our students a safe environment in which to acquire the knowledge, skills and values needed for success in a diverse and global society of the 21st Century.

School Mission Statement:

The mission of West Bridgewater Middle-Senior High School is to provide a safe, supportive learning environment in which each student will acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become a life-long learner and responsible citizen in our diverse and changing society.

Academic Expectations:

The student will be expected to:

  • Read Actively & Critically for a variety of purposes

  • Write Effectively

  • Listen Effectively & Critically

  • Communicate Clearly in Speech

  • Identify and Utilize a Variety of Resources for Obtaining Information

  • Employ Multiple Strategies in Reasoning and Problem Solving

Academic Expectation Rubrics