In anticipation of the long weekend, a friendly reminder that if you are traveling out of state please be aware of the quarantine and testing requirements upon return to Massachusetts.

Power is on at each of the schools in WB. We do understand that some families are without power in town. Schools are open.

Please follow the new Food Services Facebook page!

Power Outage Update - Power is back on at the SSS, Howard School and MSHS (RLM never lost power) A district email is being sent to all families. Have a good day!

Great work in Engineering and Design!

Updated Coronavirus page on the Districts Website - Check it out! Should have all the information you need. Thank you to parents for bringing this up at the Coffee Hour this morning https://www.wbridgewaterschools.org/o/district-office/page/coronavirus-information--15

Attention Parents - Looking for the videos that were shared about Google Classroom or Google Meets? Need technology support? Check out the WB Technology Resources page https://sites.google.com/wbridgewater.com/academic-enrichment-resources/famtech

Thank you to all who signed in for our 1st Superintendents Coffee Hour this morning. It really is great to hear from you and wonderful questions. Next one will be November 6th and hoping for in person. Thank you to WB SRO Officer Tim Pope for being with us today.

So great to walk through each of the schools in WB today. Students and staff are working hard and doing a wonderful job!

Looking forward to 1st Superintendent Coffee Hour of the year on Friday, October 2nd at 9am. This month will be virtual using google meets but in the future we will be in person. Email will be sent home to all families with sign in information.

Please complete the Back to School Forms Online by Friday September 25!

Superintendent Coffee Hour - Friday, October 2nd at 9am. This meeting will be done through Google Meets. Information has been sent home to families on how to sign in. Monthly meetings with Mr. Bodwell will be held. 1st guest will be WB School Resource Officer Tim Pope.

Curriculum Nights - New dates have been established:
Middle/Senior High School October 6th, Howard School October 8th, Rose L MacDonald School October 13th and Spring Street School October 15th. More details will be sent out by the building principals.

We are so excited to welcome our students back to school! Thank you to all who have helped prepare for the opening of school. Way to go WB!! It has been so great to see their excited faces and enthusiasm.

Check out this google slides presentation on Google Classroom.

Posting a couple of informational videos for parents -
Google Classroom:
Google Meets:
https://youtu.be/QiLkyQcftXw (good overview)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjq8SDHnKbY (goes into more detail)

Attention Parents/Guardians - Bus Transportation Opt In Survey has been sent via email. If your child is riding a bus this year the survey must be completed by Tuesday, September 8th at noon. Thank you

COVID-19 Staff Training today - Thank you to Lead Nurse Mrs. Julie Diedrichsen, School Physician Dr. Kevin Murphy and West Bridgewater Board of Health Agent Mr. Rob Casper. The panel did a wonderful job providing information for our staff and answered all of their questions.

1st Day Meetings with Staff - It was a bit different meeting by school rather than the entire district (social distancing guidelines being followed) but so amazing to see all the teachers this morning. The are excited and ready to go!

Welcome Back West Bridgewater Educators and Staff!!! Looking forward to the start of the 2020-2021 School Year! Wildcat PRIDE!