Due to the impending storm, there will be no school, Monday, March 4. Stay Safe!
over 5 years ago, John Collins
2 hour delay in WB today 2/28. No am Surround Care or Preschool.
over 5 years ago, John Collins
There will be a 2-hour early dismissal at all schools on Tuesday, February 12. Dismissal times will be as follows:
MSHS 12:00
Howard and Spring 12:30
Rose L MacDonald 1:00
Lunch will be served at all schools.
over 5 years ago, John Collins
SSS Parents,
Due to continued electrical work at The Spring Street School, there will be no school for Preschool or Kindergarten students on Friday, January 25. This message is for Spring Street School Only.
over 5 years ago, John Collins
Reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 21 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday.
Spring 2019 MCAS Dates
*March 26th and 27th - Grade 10 ELA
*April 30th and May 1st - Grades 7 and 8 ELA
*May 16th and 17th - Grades 7 and 8 Math
*May 21st and 22nd - Grade 10 Math
*May 21st and 22nd - Grade 8 Science
*June 4th and 5th - HS Biology
over 5 years ago, John Collins
Middle School Midnight Madness - Start the planning and save the date of Friday, January 11th for the annual all night event!!! Many more details to follow.
Good Morning! For the new school year, the website has just had a major facelift. It has a new, clean look and easier navigation. We have also added translation to the site. We hope you enjoy the new look!
about 6 years ago, John Collins
Save the Date - Wednesday, August 29th at 6pm Athletics Informational Night. All student-athletes playing a sport this fall must attend with at least one parent. More information will be distributed once the sports begin. This is open to all students and parents who would like to attend.
about 6 years ago, Mark Bodwell
Reminder - 4th quarter progress reports will be posted in the Aspen portal tomorrow.
over 6 years ago, Mark Bodwell
FYI #wbwildcats WE ARE MOBILE!!! WBPS has a new customized app which gives mobile access to school news, notifications, lunch menus, athletic schedules, all the posts on our webpage and more! The app is free and can be downloaded for android devices at the Google Play Store and for apple devices at the App Store. Download the app today and go to settings in the menu bar to set up your notifications. You can select to receive notifications from the district, individual schools, and/or athletics. Choose them all or just 1 or 2. Go wildcats!!
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almost 8 years ago, West Bridgewater Public Schools