West Bridgewater Police Department, Public Schools and Fire Department Seek Donations for Holiday Toy Drive WEST BRIDGEWATER — Police Chief Timothy Nixon, Superintendent Mark Bodwell and Fire Chief Lincoln Thibeault are pleased to share that their departments are partnering to collect toys and gift cards for their annual toy drive. New, unwrapped toys and gift cards for children ages 5-17 are being collected to directly assist West Bridgewater families for the holiday season. Toys and gift card donations can be dropped off at the Police Department or Fire Department, both located at 99 West Center St. School-aged children can also bring donations to any West Bridgewater school building for collection. Donations can be dropped off until Dec. 20. Last year, donations from the toy drive assisted approximately 50 West Bridgewater families. Questions regarding the toy drive can be directed to West Bridgewater Police Sgt. Timothy Pope, at tpope@wbpd.com or at 508-586-2525 ext. 5119. A message from the West Bridgewater Police Department, West Bridgewater Fire Department and West Bridgewater Public Schools
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Happy Thanksgiving - The holiday season is full of traditions, and we're bringing back a classic! EB vs. WB Thanksgiving Day Rivalry Football Game is here! Don’t miss the Battle of East vs. West as these towns clash for the trophy! *WHERE- East Bridgewater HS *TIME- 6:00PM Wednesday, November 27th Gate Fees: CASH ONLY Adults: $5 Students: $5 Seniors: $3 REMINDER- WB spectators are asked to enter the stadium closest to the EB High school Good luck WB and we hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Upcoming Superintendent Coffee Hours - The November meetings will be on Friday, November 22nd at 9:15 am at the Spring Street School and on Monday, November 25th at 5pm at the SSS. The same content will be discussed at both but this provides families with an afternoon/early evening option. There is also the opportunity to attend virtually through a Google Meet. A link will be sent to families via email this week.
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
West Bridgewater District Newsletter - Here is the November District newsletter Wildcat PRIDE https://secure.smore.com/n/habwz
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Day in Residence—As Superintendent, I had a wonderful day at the Howard School yesterday. I visited classrooms, sat in on common planning time, talked with staff and students, interacted with the main office and counselors, and observed arrival, dismissal, and lunch. The Howard School staff does an amazing job and has wonderful students, and I really enjoyed my day! I am looking forward to spending the day at the MSHS next week and then in December spending the entire day at the Rose L MacDonald School and the Spring Street School.
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
WB Elementary School Building Project—The SBC continues to meet twice a month. We are writing our Educational Plan, which will be submitted to the MSBA in December. Here is a link to the building project website: https://wbesbuildingproject.com/. It is linked to the school and town websites.
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Message from WB Athletic Boosters - Tonights (11/13) Boosters meeting has been canceled. See you at our next scheduled meeting on Wednesday, December 11th @ 7pm.
3 months ago, Mark Bodwell
MIAA Fall Tournament - Check out the brackets for the MIAA Fall teams. Congratulations to all of the WB teams for a wonderful season. A few brackets are out and more come out over the next few days https://www.miaa.net/tournaments/tournament-central/tournament-brackets
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Check out information from the WB Town Hall about the annual Tri-Town Veterans Day Parade.
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Message from WB SEPAC Board of Directors - Just a quick note to remind you that the Special Education Basic Rights & Strategies Workshop is scheduled for tonight via Zoom from 6 - 7:30PM. We invite anyone who would like to watch as a group to join us in the MSHS Learning Commons, doors open at 5:45 PM. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82708175777?pwd=y27oxOpYsm0b0Vn0dR04xSKp7Estm0.1 Meeting ID: 827 0817 5777 Passcode: 751288
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
ATTENTION ALL WILDCAT FANS! It’s time to order your Thanksgiving Commemorative T-Shirt! This is a collaborative effort with the WB and EB Gridiron Clubs working together. Orders are accepted through Sunday, 11/3, at 11:59 PM! Once shirts are received in WB, pickup will be arranged with those who have ordered! Use the Google form link below. If you can not order through the link send your order or direct any questions via email to vikingsportsparents@gmail.com https://forms.gle/GMTkujrSK7gM1ZMz7
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
It's so awesome to see reading happening everywhere in our schools! Mrs. Ellis, Spring Street School secretary, takes time to read to some of our Kindergarten students in the office area!
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Attention Parents/Guardians - Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out the Trunk or Treat at the MSHS on Saturday, October 26th from 2-4 pm in the main parking lot. The West Bridgewater National Honor Society sponsors this event. The students do an outstanding job! Suggested $5 per child donation and all proceeds go to the NHS Scholarship Fund.
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Message from the West Bridgewater SEPAC Board of Directors Dear SEPAC Families, We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Special Education Basic Rights & Strategies workshop, which will take place virtually on Tuesday, 10/29 from 6 - 7:30 PM. This workshop, presented by Christine Riley of Cape Cod Advocate, is a valuable resource for parents and guardians to understand the special education process and your rights within it. While the workshop itself is virtual, we’re organizing a group viewing at the MSHS Learning Commons! Join us for an in-person opportunity to watch together, and support each other in understanding these important topics! Doors open at 5:45 PM. To Register: email Christine@capecodadvocate.com
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Lunch with the Kindergarten Students—Mr. Bodwell is continuing the tradition of having lunch with the Kindergarten students. He has groups of 5-6 students down throughout the school year. It is the best part of the day!!
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
West Bridgewater Athletics - Congratulations to our student-athletes and coaches who are having a great Fall season. Check out the MIAA Power Rankings. So much fun watching them compete! https://www.miaa.net/tournaments/tournament-central/power-rankings
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
WB District Newsletter - I wanted to share the October District Newsletter with you. https://secure.smore.com/n/8dtbs There is A LOT of information included in this newsletter. I know how busy all of you are but I do hope that you will find some time to take a look at everything that is going on in our school district. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
Fun Run - Great to see all of the excitement and fun at the Fun Run Fundraiser held at the MSHS for the Howard School students and our Kindergarten students. They also had a great time at the RLM for students in grades 1-3. Thank you to all those who participated and came out to cheer on our students! Thank you to the PTO for all of their hard work and dedication!
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell
West Bridgewater Athletic Boosters Meeting - tomorrow (October 9th) at 7pm in the MSHS Learning Commons. All are welcome
4 months ago, Mark Bodwell